Where can I obtain information about rail connections?
Information about railway connections can be found on the websites rozklad-pkp.pl/en and portalpasazera.pl/en.
Information about PKP Intercity connections can be found on the website of the carrier at www.intercity.pl/en, or hotline number 703 200 200 (fee: PLN 1.29/min - the service is provided by "PKP Intercity" SA) or via the contact form available at: https://www.intercity.pl/en/site/for-passengers/information/contact/.
Information about PKP SKM connections in the Tri-City can be obtained by calling the helpline at 58 721 21 70. A specific connection can also be found through the search engine on the website: http://www.skm.pkp.pl/.
How can I buy a ticket for a train ride?
Tickets can be purchased using the BILKOM application, available on the website: https://bilkom.pl/.
Tickets for PKP Intercity connections can be obtained through the www.intercity.pl/en, website, via the IC Mobile Navigator application and in ticket machines and ticket offices. Information on the possibility of purchasing a ticket for the PKP Intercity train can also be found at: https://www.intercity.pl/en/site/for-passengers/information/where-to-buy-the-ticket/
What discounts can I count on? Are there any promotions on the railways?
Information on the current PKP Intercity special offers: https://www.intercity.pl/en/site/for-passengers/offers/special-offers-for-domestic-transport/
Information about the current offer of PKP SKM in the Tri-City: https://www.skm.pkp.pl/taryfy-i-przepisy/promocje/
I will travel with a disabled person. We need help getting to the platform and getting on the train. Where can I find assistance?
Information on assistance for persons with disabilities at train stations can be found at: Informacje dla pasażerów niepełnosprawnych lub o ograniczonej sprawności ruchowej
Information for assistance during a PKP Intercity train journey: https://www.intercity.pl/pl/site/dla-pasazera/informacje-dla-osob-z-niepelnosprawnoscia-i-osob-o-ograniczonej-sprawnosci-ruchowej/
Information about assistance for the PKP SKM trains in the Tri-City: https://www.skm.pkp.pl/dla-pasazera/informacje-dla-niepelnosprawnych/
Where can I find information about any possible delay of the train I will be taking?
The conductor team is available for passengers during the journey. The train conductor or train manager will provide information about the reason for the delay and the expected departure time.
Where can I file a complaint/claim in the event of lack of satisfaction with the services on the train?
Information on complaints regarding travel by PKP Intercity train: https://www.intercity.pl/en/site/for-passengers/information/claims-and-complaints/
I left my luggage on the train. How can I get it back?
Information on luggage left on a PKP Intercity train: https://www.intercity.pl/en/site/for-passengers/information/odbior-zagubionego-bagazu1.html
Information about luggage left on a PKP SKM train in the Tri-City: https://www.skm.pkp.pl/dla-pasazera/zgubione-i-odnalezione/
I drove a car and noticed that the barriers/signals were damaged. Where can I report it?
Railway-road crossings are marked with yellow stickers on which there are three basic data: individual identification number of the road-rail crossing enabling its quick location, emergency number 112 and other emergency numbers. The 112 emergency number is used to report accidents or car breakdowns at the crossing. The numbers given "in the event of a breakdown" are numbers to inform the railway dispatcher on the premises of a particular railway line about equipment defects or damage to the markings at a rail-road crossing if there is no immediate threat to life. At crossings with boom barriers, the stickers are located on the inside of the barrier, on the side of the boom gate framework. On the remaining crossings the markings with numbers are located on the back of the cross of Saint Andrew. More at: http://www.bezpieczny-przejazd.pl/o-kampanii/zoltanaklejkaplk/
Where can I complain about the operation of a station?
Comments and suggestions regarding the operation of railway stations managed by PKP S.A. can be submitted by e-mail to the following address:
In the case of the 11 largest railway stations, complaints can also be submitted at InfoDworzec points: http://www.pkp.pl/pl/kontakt/infodworce
I saw a suspicious package at the station. Who can I report it to?
You should inform a station security guard, an officer of the Railway Security Guard (SOK) or a Police officer. A suspicious package can also be reported by calling the Police (No. 112 or 997) or the Railway Security Guard (22 474 00 00).
I am interested in renting space at the railway station. Who should I contact in this matter?
For renting space at railway stations, the office of PKP S.A. Real Estate Office (Biuro Obrotu Nieruchomościami PKP S.A.) is responsible. Contact of the Office can be found at: kontakt nieruchomości. Current offers for renting space in buildings managed by PKP S.A. can also be found on the website: Wynajem oferty.
How do I get permission for using space at the station, for example to organize a cultural event?
Please contact the Office of Communication and Promotion by sending an e-mail to